If You See A Man With A Painted Fingernail, Here’s What It Means

A new campaign by YGAP, an Australian non-profit, has seen a host of male celebrities grace social media with one painted fingernail.

Man smiling with one painted fingernail, Photo Credit: You Shouid Know?

Man smiling with one painted fingernail, Photo Credit: You Shouid Know?

While women are more than encouraged to participate and contribute, the campaign’s focus on men is because of the heart wrenching statistics – men are responsible for 90 percent of all sexual assaults against children.

Zac Efron showing off one fingernail on his hand painted, Photo Credit: Instagram/zacefron

Zac Efron showing off one fingernail on his hand painted, Photo Credit: Instagram/zacefron

The campaign’s motto, “Nail it to end it,” is based on a simple premise: to raise awareness and funds worldwide, one polished nail at a time.
The #PolishedMan and #nailedit hashtags have taken a hold of social media, with famous celebrities, including Aussies Chris Hemsworth and champion swimmer Michael Klim, as well as Hollywood star Zac Efron, gladly showing off their painted nails.

Three different men showing the camera their one painted fingernail, Photo Credit: You Shouid Know?

Three different men showing the camera their one painted fingernail, Photo Credit: You Shouid Know?

The Polished Man platform has received over $513,000 in donations from 61,000 people so far.

Chris Hemsworth showing the camera his painted fingernail, Photo Credit: Instagram/chrishemsworth

Chris Hemsworth showing the camera his painted fingernail, Photo Credit: Instagram/chrishemsworth

Big businesses have also joined in, offering support and contributions, which will be used in trauma recovery and trauma prevention programs for children.
The fundraiser ends on October 15.